CardinalOps Overview for RSA

At the RSA annual conference, Simple Concepts made a striking impact with a visually compelling PowerPoint presentation tailored to the CardinalOps brand. The design’s precision and deep brand understanding ensured the slides effectively communicated CardinalOps’ solutions, leaving a memorable impression on the conference audience.

ECC Logo Concepts

ECC Logo Concepts

Simple Concepts offered a range of innovative logo designs, showcasing our branding and visual communication expertise. We engaged clients through live creative sessions, fostering a collaborative atmosphere for feedback, which guided the selection of a final logo that truly represented their vision and identity.

Archive360 Banner Graphic

Archive360 Banner Graphic

The Simple Concepts team crafted a comprehensive series of web and Google banner ads for Archive360, demonstrating versatility and the ability to engage a broad audience. With more than ten unique iterations, each ad was thoughtfully designed in multiple resolutions to ensure high compatibility and impactful presence across a variety of digital platforms.

MCAPS Career Explorer App Demo

This product launch video for the Microsoft Career Explorer App, seamlessly integrating animated screenshots and demos to showcase the app’s features and functionality. The video is enriched by the inclusion of b-roll footage, providing context and a real-world perspective to enhance viewer understanding of the app’s value.